Are you interested in becoming Catholic or learning more about the process to become Catholic? Or are you curious about what initiation for adults means?

Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ said to Matthew “Follow me” and he rose and followed him. For Catholics, we respond in a similar way. The Christian way of life and becoming Catholic goes through a process of initiation, which is falling in love with Jesus and becoming His disciple. Through our weekly meetings, we strive to help people learn how to respond to the prompting of God in their lives.

The best way to learn is by doing Catholic things and hanging around other Catholics. The way to practice being a Catholic and enter into this process is through entering a way of life, as an apprentice learns from a master and that master’s community.

Our blessed Lord Jesus is our master and becoming Catholic is a lot like being His apprentices. We call this process the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults often referred to as RCIA. It involves encountering the Word of God through the liturgies and personal study, engaging in a vibrant community at Newman, worship with fellow believers in Christ, learning to pray and be of service to others.

If you are interested in being Catholic, take the next step in responding to God’s call by completing the inquiry form below.

At ASU Catholic Newman Center, we primarily serve college students, and we welcome students and recent graduates into this process whenever you are ready to begin. If you are not a student or recent graduate, we would be happy to refer you to another nearby parish that will be able to better serve you and help you in your faith journey.